App launch

The beta version of Bruce Asbestos launched in 2022 with the information below. There were many known issues with exporting the app out of Unreal Engine. Working with a web developer (James Wreford from Black Shuck), we started a new project from scratch, taking care with all the settings. While the game looks similar, it is almost entirely re-written and is now available on the App Store. Further updates to the design and functionality will take place over the coming months,.
Rest is a Small Worm in a Big Pond.
The Eye of Newt is an ever-changing Ambient Audio Visual Environment.
You can play as Rest, a yellow worm and interact with The Community, a group of frogspawn like eyes.
Working together they complete short challenges, as the world gets filled up with objects.
Or do nothing and let the world go by; the game has a life of its own.
Bruce Asbestos’ The Eye of Newt Game has been commissioned by Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK. To coincide with Bruce’s inflatable sculptures in the courtyard of the Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK.
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